Liquor Store Closing Times By State

liquor store closing times by state

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Liquor Store Closing Times by State

When it comes to liquor stores and package stores, one of the most common issues and queries many consumers wonder about is closing times. This is completely understandable since there is nothing worse than heading out to the liquor store only to find the store closed at some unusual hour for business closures. Since each state has its own particular rules concerning liquor store closing times, what are the closing times in each state?


As a general rule of thumb, each state-run liquor store will typically close anytime between the purview of 6 PM-9 PM. However, these closure times can vary greatly depending on weekends, holidays, or the additional rules set out by a county or city. Private liquor stores also have varied closing times. 


Are you curious about liquor store closing times in your state? If so, this ambitious and comprehensive article will tell you specific closing times in each state. We will cover any state-mandated closing times, private liquor store closing times, in addition to any other essential tidbits to be aware of. Read on to find out liquor store closing times for each state in the country. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Alabama?

There are no statewide and specific business hours in Alabama, therefore, counties and cities are free to set their own specific regulations for the sale of liquor at designated times. 


In Alabama, it is illegal to buy or sell liquor between the hours of 2 AM and 12 Noon on Sundays, but certain jurisdictions may allow indoor establishments to sell alcoholic beverages starting at 10 AM, and others have petitioned to allow 10 AM sales. 


With this in mind, most of Alabama’s liquor stores are open until 9 PM. Many private package stores will hover around the same time, with no stores closing any later than Midnight, and no liquor or package stores are open on Sundays at all at the state level. However, privately run retailers are open on Sundays, granted no sales are made before 12 Noon.

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Alaska?

Alaska is a very lenient state when it comes to liquor sales, but the state does allow full autonomy for its counties and city governments to set their own regulations and procedures, and there are in fact 129 completely dry towns and villages throughout Alaska. So essentially, it is lenient only to the extent of finding a county or town that is lenient when it comes to liquor.

In 32 of these 129 destinations, even possessing alcohol is a crime. This is not due to religious belief per se but has to do with alcohol-related crimes that are prevalent throughout many of Alaska’s small towns and villages. 

Another quirk concerning various blue laws in Alaska is that the sale of alcohol is prohibited until 5 PM on each November election day. Additionally, you cannot purchase liquor at any grocery store throughout the state of Alaska.

With that said, in the areas throughout Alaska that have liquor stores, the hours set out by merchants vary greatly. You can easily find 24-hour liquor stores in various wet counties, and stores that close between 9 PM-11 PM. 

Take a look at this guide to find out exactly where liquor stores are present in the state. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Arizona?

There are no wide-reaching blue laws or dry counties in the state of Arizona. On-site drinking at establishments ends at 2 AM each day, and sales can pick back up again at 6 AM, so in essence, there is a 4-hour block of time when alcohol purchases are prohibited. 

With this in mind, Arizona is only one of a handful of states where you can easily find liquor stores that are literally open until 2 AM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Arkansas?

Alcohol regulations can get a bit complicated in the State of Arkansas. For example, on-premise sales are rather complicated with Class A Private Clubs able to serve 7 A.M. to 2 A.M., Class B 10 A.M. to 5 A.M., and restaurants 7 A.M. to 1 A.M. 

Liquor stores are allowed to make sales from 7 A.M. to 1 A.M Monday – Friday, but only until Midnight on Saturdays. Beer and wine can be sold in supermarkets but only in-state produced wine is allowed and spirits are not at all. Arkansas has many dry counties but private clubs are exempt from this. Christmas Day sales are prohibited (exceptions apply). 

Although you cannot buy alcohol in Arkansas on Sundays, restaurants are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages on this day. 

Therefore, it can be very confusing when buying alcohol in the State of Arkansas, and it is important to keep these factors in mind when trying to buy liquor in this state. 

With this said, most of the liquor stores in Arkansas take advantage of the rather lenient times available for off-premise sales. Many stores throughout the state will stay open until 1 AM, with some choosing to close a bit earlier, but nearly all Arkansas liquor stores are open at least until 9 PM. 

Granted you can keep track of all these exclusions, Arkansas is not bad at all if you are in the mood for buying a late-night bottle.  

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in California?

Liquor laws in California are very lenient, and there is no Sunday blue law issued at the state level. Purchased liquor can be found in liquor stores, grocery stores, and practically anywhere where sales are permitted, and the only regulation that must be followed is the sale of alcohol is allowed from 6 A.M. to 2 A.M. 

The state has numerous liquor stores, and this is mostly due to both the leniency of obtaining liquor and the large statewide population. Liquor stores in Southern California are the most lenient in terms of closing times, with many counties allowing liquor stores to operate until 2 AM. 

As you move further north into the state, you will find that liquor stores in NorCal tend to close at more modest times, with 9 PM and 10 PM being the common closing times up north. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Colorado?

Like California, Colorado is also an easy-going state when it comes to liquor and spirits. Both liquor stores and on-site premises selling alcoholic beverages are allowed to operate as normal on Sundays. You can even buy absinthe in Colorado, which is a liquor that is tightly controlled or outright banned in many jurisdictions. 

It is popular to state that Colorado does not have strict laws when it comes to liquor sales, and no Sunday blue law to speak of, however, there is a period of time between Sunday-Saturday 12 AM and 8 AM in which stores cannot sell alcohol to be aware of. 

However, nearly all liquor stores stay open to midnight no matter where you are in the state. 

Online sales of liquor are now permitted in the state of Colorado, and this can be an easy way to get around the 12 AM-8 AM liquor ban.

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Connecticut?

Liquor is moderately regulated in the State of Connecticut. Liquor stores are allowed to operate seven days a week, but there is a firm law in place that only allows operations from the time of 8 AM-9 PM Monday-Saturday, and 10 AM-6 PM on Sundays. 


Most liquor stores in the state will take full advantage of the times available, and will close at 9 PM every day except Sundays in which closures occur at 6 PM on the first day of the week. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Delaware?

For those who like to drink liquor in Delaware, it simply doesn’t get more confusing. No liquor stores or retailers can sell or deliver alcoholic liquor on Sundays, Thanksgiving, Easter, or Christmas or at hours other than those prescribed by the rules or regulations of the Commissioner in each county or local government.

So to break all this down, basically, this means that Sundays and the three-listed holidays are dry, and individual localities are allowed to set the time for sales on other days. 

However, any municipality with a population of 50,000 or more may limit sales within the boundaries of the municipality to a maximum of 4 hours on Sundays as established by the ordinance of the municipality. 

The closing hours for days of the week other than Sunday may be made earlier in any municipality having a population of 50,000 or more persons, by ordinance of the municipal corporation; provided, however, that such ordinance be consistent with the Delaware state and federal constitutions as well as treat all businesses fairly. 

Furthermore, during the months of October through December, a holder of a license for the sale of alcoholic liquor for off-premises consumption shall be permitted to have sales take place beginning at 8:00 AM on Fridays through Saturdays, but no holder of a license for the sale of alcoholic liquor for on-premises consumption shall sell the same between the hours of 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM.

So Sundays are a dry day, but there is room to allow some Sunday hours for purchase granted a town has at least 50,000 residents.

So what does this all mean for liquor store closing times? Well, granted you can keep all of the many laws and regulations in mind, you can generally find liquor stores in Delaware staying open to 1 AM. One such store, South Main Street Liquor Store in Newark, is open until 1 AM on the designated days where a 1 AM maximum is allowed. Other stores throughout the state tend to close around 10 PM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Florida?

In Florida, individual counties are allowed to pass their own laws, and a few, such as Miami-Dade county, allow the sale of liquor the entire day of Sunday, and 24 hours per day every other day of the week as well, such as Liberty City Liquors and Satellite Package Store in Miami. 

Additionally, there are 3 dry counties in Florida to be aware of, most of which are in the top portion of the state and the Florida panhandle. Lafayette County, Liberty County, and Washington County do not allow the sale of liquor at all. 

In summary, liquor laws in Florida are largely contingent upon the mandates set out by counties and cities. Liquor is not permitted for sale on Sundays, but a county can change this law at will, with Miami-Dade county being the most lenient when it comes to liquor store closure times. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Georgia?

Liquor store hours of operation in Georgia are fairly strict. Georgia has no state-mandated liquor laws, and every alcohol-related law in the state is controlled and operated by individual counties. The only rule is that both on-premise and off-premise sales cannot occur between the hours of 11:00 PM and 8 AM 7 days a week. 

Sunday blue laws are county mandated, however, sales cannot occur before 12:30 PM statewide. With all this in mind, most Georgia liquor stores will vary greatly on the times and days when they can operate. In Atlanta, for example, several liquor stores are open until the maximum allotted time which is 11 PM, such as PeachTree Road Package Store. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Hawaii?

Liquor store sales and hours of operation in Hawaii are lenient. There are no Sunday blue laws at the state level, but counties are of course allowed to set their own laws. Liquor stores can sell alcohol any day of the week between the hours of 6 AM and 11 PM. This is not much of a hardship since most businesses are closed overnight anyway. 

Expect all liquor stores in Hawaii to be open to at least 9 PM, and up until 11 PM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Idaho?

Liquor store availability in Idaho is moderately regulated. This is because Idaho has some fairly complex liquor laws, but these rules are also fairly straightforward. Retailers may not sell alcohol on Sunday, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, but localities may permit liquor sales on Sunday, Memorial Day, and Thanksgiving. However, they may not permit it on Christmas. 

Therefore, Christmas Day liquor sales are prohibited at the state level, but counties and cities are allowed to pass their own laws regarding the sale of liquor and any designated days and times they wish to allow it. 

With this in mind, Liquor stores throughout the state range in closure times from 8 PM and up until 1 AM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Illinois?

Illinois is another state that allows most of its liquor laws to be decided by individual counties and local governments. With that in mind, liquor sales are limited on Sundays and not available between the hours of 2 AM-11 AM. 

Liquor stores in Illinois typically close around the 9 PM-10 PM mark. Sunday sales usually stop between 6 PM-8 PM. 

The most lenient city in the state is certainly Chicago. Most liquor stores in the Windy City close at 10 PM. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Indiana?

Indiana is also another state that has many different liquor laws that need to be broken down for a better understanding. In Indiana, package, grocery, convenience, and drug stores may sell beer and wine. However, grocery, convenience, and drug stores may not sell cold beer, wine, or hard cider. (The state classifies cider as wine.) 

Only liquor stores may sell those beverages when cold. Retailers may not sell packaged beer, wine, or spirits on Sundays, making Indiana a dry state on Sundays. 

So, with these regulations in mind, liquor stores throughout Indiana can in fact remain open until 3 Am if they so choose, however, very few are open this late. Most liquor stores in the state close at 11 PM or midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Iowa?

Iowa is another tricky state when it comes to liquor. This is because there are many additional rules and regulations that affect liquor store merchants. 

First off, to sell liquor on Sundays, retailers will need to apply and be approved for a Sunday sales privilege, which is required for all off-premises beer and all on-premises liquor, wine, and beer Sunday sales and service. 

Licensees may not sell, serve or consume alcoholic beverages on the licensed premises for private parties or while cleaning the licensed premises on Sundays, unless they hold a Sunday sales privilege. 

So with all of this in mind, liquor store closure times in Iowa tend to hover around the 10 PM-11 PM time frame, with a few stores staying open until 11:30 PM on Fridays and Saturdays, such as Johncy’s Liquor Store in North Liberty. 

For those liquor stores that do have a Sunday permit, closure times are almost always at 5 PM on the first day of the week. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Kansas?

In the State of Kansas, retail vendors are not allowed to sell alcohol on Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. 

With those holidays out of the way, liquor store closing times in the state are varied. Liquor stores are allowed to remain open until 11 PM Monday-Saturday, and many stores take advantage of the 11 PM cut-off time. 

On Sundays, liquor stores must close by 8 PM. Nearly any liquor store in the state of Kansas will close at the maximum time allotted by State law. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, there are no state-mandated liquor laws regarding closing times for liquor stores, and counties and local governments are free to make and enforce their own laws regarding alcohol consumption. This can be confusing because the default state law is that liquor sales are not allowed on Sundays, but since the counties can change this, this makes the default law obsolete. 

That being said, of Kentucky’s 120 counties, 11 counties are completely dry, but there are also some cities inside of these dry counties that allow liquor sales and limited sales on Sundays.

Liquor stores in Kentucky typically follow an established statewide law regarding retail cooperation times. These times are 6 AM-2:30 AM Monday-Saturday, and 1 PM-2 AM on Sundays into Monday morning. 

For example, Big Daddy’s Liquor Store in Newport is open until 2:30 AM Tuesday-Saturday. But for the most part, the majority of liquor stores in Kentucky close between the hours of 10 PM-11 PM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Louisiana?

Louisiana is one of the most lenient states in the Southern region of the US when it comes to liquor store availability times. But state law concerning liquor laws is left up to individual counties (parishes) and city governments, and not all laws are the same across the state like the 24/7 sales found in New Orleans at stores such as the Everything Shoppe on Canal Street. 

There are some Louisiana parishes that have limited Sunday blue laws for liquor sales and this time is typically between the hours of 2 AM and 11 AM. 

Liquor stores typically close between the hours of 10 PM-Midnight across the state. In New Orleans, Midnight is the aggregated closing time, but alcoholic drinks can be purchased at bars and clubs 24 hours a day. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Maine?

The liquor laws in the State of Maine are fairly lenient, and there is no statewide mandate calling for any type of blue laws. 

In Maine, retail sales of liquor cannot occur between the hours of 1 AM-6 AM Monday-Saturday, and the law extends until 9 AM on Sunday mornings. This is actually a strict law and is in place to prevent the prevalence of road accidents related to drunken driving. 

You can purchase alcohol after 9 AM on a Sunday. Liquor stores are allowed to take advantage of the 1 AM mandate, but many stores will typically close around 7 or 8 PM.  

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Maryland?

The State of Maryland is also a state where liquor laws are completely mandated within individual counties or municipalities. There are no state-wide blue laws to be aware of. 

Liquor stores throughout the State of Maryland typically close around 9 or 10 PM. However, there are some here and there that remain open later, such as Mike’s Liquors in Forest Heights. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Massachusetts?

Liquor laws in Massachusetts are fairly strict but not like what is seen in Kansas or Delaware. The state has a statewide Sunday blue law that prohibits the sale of alcohol from the hours of 2 AM until 10 AM Sunday morning. 

Additionally, Massachusetts does not allow the sale of liquor or beer in grocery stores unless the establishment applies for and is granted a special license, which is not a problem if you are looking for liquor stores only. Additionally, alcohol is prohibited for retail sale on Election Day each November until the polls officially close at 7 PM. 

In Massachusetts, liquor stores typically close between the hours of 9 PM-10 PM, with a few stores, such as Gordon’s Fine Wines & Liquors, staying open until 11 PM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Michigan?

Liquor sales in the State of Michigan are in line with most states that have limitations on liquor sales on Sundays or other specifically designated times in which stores can sell spirits. In Michigan, Sunday sales are not allowed to commence until 12 Noon, meaning that the hours of 2 AM-Noon on Sundays are dry, and Sunday sales typically stop around 5 or 6 PM. 

Additionally, alcohol sales must end at 9 PM on Christmas Eve and are prohibited all day on Christmas Day. Apart from these special times to be aware of, liquor stores in Michigan typically close at 10 PM, except for a few, such as Michigan Liquor in Detroit, which remains open until 1 AM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Minnesota?

The liquor law sales regulations in Minnesota are fairly strict. Generally, alcohol is sold from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday, but not Sundays.

However, alcohol may be served at bars and restaurants seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Therefore, if you want to go out to a bar or restaurant on Sundays for a drink you can, but you will not be able to purchase liquor from a store. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Mississippi?

In Mississippi, liquor must be sold and purchased at a package store only, and there are no sales allowed on Sundays and Christmas Day. With this said, some localities have limited sale availability on Sundays. 

Additionally, Copiah, Lawrence, and Lincoln counties are completely dry counties and liquor is completely prohibited in these three counties. 

For the most part, if you plan on having a drink on Sundays, and you are not in an area of the state that allows sales, such as the casinos in the Gulfport area, you will need to purchase liquor beforehand on a Saturday. 

With this in mind, liquor stores close Mondays-Saturdays at 10 PM, and this seems to be the norm statewide.

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Missouri?

Missouri just may be the most lenient state in the country when it comes to liquor sales. Liquor store sales operate from the same times including bars allowed to double as liquor stores in St. Louis and Kansas City which can remain open until 3 AM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Montana?

All of the liquor stores found throughout the State of Montana are run by the state government. 

Since nearly all liquor stores in Montana are closed on Sundays, this severely limits the ability to purchase liquor in the state on a Sunday. With this said, there are no direct, state-mandated blue laws, but you are likely only to find beer and wine selections available on Sundays due to the state monopoly on liquor stores. 

With this in mind, liquor stores throughout the state tend to close around 8 PM. But there are a few stores here and there that remain open very late, including Montana Lil’s Liquor Store in Billings. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Nebraska?

The State of Nebraska is fairly lenient when it comes to liquor store availability times. Nebraska does not have state-controlled liquor laws, and therefore, counties and cities are allowed to make and pass their own laws regarding liquor sale regulation. 

The sale of liquor in Nebraska is prohibited from 1 AM to 12 Noon on Sundays, but other than that, you can find some stores remaining open as late as 1 AM, such as The Corner Liquor Store in Crete, and Bill’s Liquor in Kearney. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Nevada?

Nevada, the home of Las Vegas, is also one of the most lenient states in the country when it comes to the time you can purchase liquor at a store. Throughout the state of Nevada, the only alcohol law that is strictly enforced is that concerning the age of a drinker, which of course is 21 or older. 

Apart from that, liquor can be purchased any day of the week including Sundays, and there is no time limitation on Liquor store sales. Most liquor stores outside of Las Vegas will close around 11 PM or midnight, while the City of Las Vegas has numerous liquor stores open 24 hours a day. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in New Hampshire?

In the granite state, it’s really a county-by-county thing concerning the times that liquor stores are allowed to remain open. New Hampshire is a state that has lenient liquor laws, and liquor stores can sell alcohol 7 days a week, granted sales do not occur between the hours of 11:45 PM and 6 AM. 

The only caveat is that most liquor can only be found in state-run liquor stores throughout the state, and these stores are allowed to set their own hours. But the catch is that most of these state stores close very early in the evening, with 7 PM being the general time you can expect New Hampshire liquor stores to close. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, there are no state-mandated laws concerning the sale of liquor. This means that each county and city government sets its own laws regarding the sale of liquor. 


With this in mind, New Jersey is one of those states that seems to accept a closing time and stick with it across the state. Nearly all liquor stores in the Garden State close at 10 PM or earlier. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in New Mexico?

In New Mexico, liquor stores are allowed to sell alcohol 7 days a week but not between the hours of midnight and 7 AM. 

Recently, the state also lifted the ban on liquor sales on both Christmas Day and Election Day as well. 

With this in mind, most liquor stores across the state, including in the state’s largest city, Albuquerque, close between the hours of 8-10 PM.

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in New York?

In New York, liquor stores generally close between the hours of 9-11 PM. Furthermore, liquor sales are regulated on Sundays. Retailers can only sell liquor between the hours of 12 Noon until 9 PM.

Additionally, liquor and some wines can only be purchased at liquor stores. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, the law allows individual counties and city governments to establish their own laws regarding the availability of liquor stores. North Carolina also has one dry county in Graham county along the Tennessee state border. 

With that said, liquor stores in North Carolina usually close at 9 PM due to the state having a monopoly on package stores. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in North Dakota?

North Dakota is fairly lenient when it comes to liquor store times. Liquor stores must operate on reduced schedules on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, and no sales can occur before 12 Noon on Sundays. 

Apart from this, liquor stores in the state typically close at 10 or 11 PM with some stores staying open until 1 AM, such as Royal Liquors in Fargo. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Ohio?

In Ohio, a liquor permit holder may sell alcohol Monday through Saturday based on their class of permit. Monday through Saturday sale hours begin at 5:30 AM and end at either 1:00 AM or 2:30 AM the next day, depending on the class of permit held.

Most liquor stores that receive a license typically will open for liquor sales on Sundays from 1 PM until 6 PM only. 

Apart from these regulations, you will find that liquor stores in Ohio tend to close between 10-11 PM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Oklahoma?

The State of Oklahoma allows individual county and city governments to set their own liquor laws. The general time you can expect liquor stores to remain open in this state is 11 PM, which seems to be an established trend across the state. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Oregon?

In Oregon, the sale of liquor is only permitted at state-run liquor stores throughout the state. Liquor stores are legally allowed to sell alcohol between the hours of 7 AM and 2:30 AM, seven days a week. 

With this in mind, liquor store operators are allowed to decide their business hours, granted the hours fall within the above guidelines, and can choose to close on Sundays and holidays if they wish. This may sound lenient, but most liquor stores in Oregon tend to close rather early in the evening. The latest time you can expect to find a liquor store open is 9 PM.

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, liquor stores typically operate between the hours of 9 AM and 2 AM the following Monday morning. 

Additionally, liquor is regulated by the state government in Pennsylvania, and can only be sold at state-run liquor and package stores. 

Even though there are no strict restrictions on times, the latest you can expect to find a liquor store open in this state is 10 PM. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Rhode Island?

In Rhode Island, all alcoholic beverages of any variety can only be sold in liquor stores throughout the state, be it ABC stores or independently-operated liquor stores. No alcohol can be sold or found in convenience stores, supermarkets, or retail outlets. 

With this in mind, liquor stores in Rhode Island close at 10 PM, unless an operator chooses to close earlier, but 10 PM is the standard. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in South Carolina?

Liquor stores in South Carolina usually close at 7 PM, and some counties have no sales at all on Sundays. There are a few stores that close at 10 PM, such as Total Wine & More in Columbia, but 7 PM seems to be the statewide standard. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in South Dakota?

South Dakota allows cities and counties to set their own regulations regarding liquor stores. For the most part, the state is fairly lenient on opening and closing times, with the most common liquor store closing time being Midnight statewide. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, liquor stores tend to stay open fairly late, with 10 PM and 11 PM being the preferred closing times for stores across the state. Although liquor stores are mandated to open no earlier than 10 AM on Sundays, the closing times for Sundays seem to be 10 or 11 PM as well. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Texas?

Texas is pretty strict on the times you can buy liquor at a liquor store. Hard liquor cannot be sold before 10 AM or after 9 PM during the Monday-Saturday availability, and liquor cannot be purchased at all on Sundays. 

So you can expect nearly all liquor stores in the state to close by 9 PM. 

liquor store closing times by state

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Utah?

In Utah, liquor stores are mandated and run by the state. Liquor stores tend to close anywhere between 7-10 PM. Liquor stores are closed on Sundays statewide. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Vermont?

In Vermont, liquor can only be purchased at state-operated liquor stores. These stores are allowed to operate 7 days a week, but a special license must be applied for and granted in order to allow limited liquor store availability on Sundays. 

With this in mind, most Vermont liquor stores have a fairly lenient opening and closing time, and the general time is typically 6 AM to Midnight or any limited timeframe within this state-granted time allowed for liquor purchases. 

It is best to call a liquor store in Vermont beforehand if you are looking to buy liquor on Sundays though. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Virginia?

The State of Virginia also only permits liquor sales within state-run liquor and package stores. The latest you can expect to find a liquor store open in the state is 9 PM, and some stores choose to close at 7 PM. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Washington?

In the State of Washington, liquor is only allowed to be sold in state-run liquor stores. With that said, the state is fairly lenient on opening and closing times, with some stores, such as Northwest Liquor and Wine, closing at Midnight.

All liquor stores in Washington are closed on federal holidays. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in West Virginia?

West Virginia is lenient on liquor store availability. Most liquor stores throughout the state close around 10 PM, but stores are allowed to stay open as late as 2 AM. 

Ashebrooke Liquor Outlet in Morgantown stays open until Midnight. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, there is a mandate where the sale of liquor and wine is prohibited between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM, seven days a week. 

Counties and cities are allowed to make and pass their own liquor laws. 

What Time Do Liquor Stores Close in Wyoming?

And finally, the State of Wyoming has lenient liquor laws. The sale of liquor is allowed on any day of the week granted no sales are made between the hours of 2 AM-6 AM. Wyoming also prohibits any of its counties from becoming dry. 

Most liquor stores usually close between 10-11 PM. DT’s Liquors in Cheyenne stays open until 2 AM. 

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